Andrew Fenn
My Ugly Mug
My Ugly Mug
My Ugly Mug
Media Reflex logo

Media Reflex - HTML / PHP / MySQL

3 months in 2007 - Media Reflex website

During my summer break from university I was fortunate enough to come work for Media Reflex and finish some outstanding work they had for their clients.

In this time I helped produce designs into finished websites, manage technical issues and advise them on IT problems.

NHS Intercon logo

NHS Intercon - HTML / PHP / MySQL

2006 to 2007 - NHS Intercon website

Originally I had arranged with my university to work at NHS Intercon as part of my course work experience. One week before I was due to leave, the university told me they could not support me going citing that Thailand was too dangerous.

Luckily NHS Intercon were happy enough to take me on as a full time employee for a year instead. I took one year out of university to go work.

My duties at NHS Intercon were like any other web developer that worked for the company. I was responsible for large websites and had to communicate with clients as well as working with other developers.